Lecture 0 - 7 September 2023

Topics covered:


See this page

Course format

Flipped classroom style. Watch lectures at home and interact in class.

Course policies

See this page

Breakdown of grading

The formatting was incorrect on the course page during class. It has since been fixed, but it has been replicated here for your convinience:

Student grades will be weighted according to the following scheme:

Category Percentage
Programs 30%
Exercises 20%
Midpoint Presentation 15%
Final Assignment + Presentation 30%
Participation 5%

Students will be given a letter grade according to the following this scheme:

Letter grade Percentage range
A 90 ~ 100
A- 85 ~ 89.99
B+ 80 ~ 84.99
B 75 ~ 79.99
B- 70 ~ 74.99
C+ 65 ~ 69.99
C 60 ~ 64.99
C- 55 ~ 59.99
D+ 50 ~ 54.99
D 40 ~ 49.99
F below 40

A (4.0), A- (3.7), B+ (3.3), B (3.0), B- (2.7), C+ (2.3), C (2.0), C- (1.7), D+ (1.3), D (1.0), F (0.0)

Overview of assignments

See the table at the bottom of this page.

Before next class

The introduction assignment is due at 11:59PM next tuesday (12 September 2023)

Please get in touch if you are struggling with anything or have any questions. If you can use matrix it is preferred since any question that you ask and get answered benefits the whole class, but the instructors can also be reached via email: Charlie Joel