Character Drivers

In Linux

Live Coding

Bare bones module

Major and Minor

  • Major: maps to driver associated with device
  • Minor: which device within the driver
    • typedef dev_t
    • MAJOR(dev_t)
    • MINOR(dev_t)
    • MKDEV(major, minor)
  • ls -l /dev
    • Look for c in first column

Allocating and Freeing Device numbers

  • register_chrdev_region
    • N minors (static)
  • alloc_chrdev_region
    • Allocates some minors and a major for a specified number of needed minors
  • unregister_chrdev_region
    • Frees major and minor number
  • /proc/devices

Dynamic allocation

  • alloc_chrdev_region vs register_chrdev_region
    • Dynamic vs Static
    • Affects creation of device nodes
    • Static: easy node creation
    • Dynamic: bit more complex

Device registration

  • Register char dev
    • cdev_alloc
    • my_cdev->ops = &my_fops;
    • cdev_init
    • cdev_add
  • Remove char dev
    • cdev_del
  • The (much) older way
    • register_chrdev
    • unregister_chrdev

Live Coding

Major + Minor, make it show up in /dev/

Important data structures

  • struct file_operations
    • Holds pointer to the kernel methods (read, write, ioctl etc)
  • struct file
    • Represents an open file (similar to FILE * or a file number in user space)
  • struct inode
    • Represents a unique file within the directory structure (one or more paths may point to a single inode)
    • Many to one (file:inode)

file_operations struct

  • owner = THIS_MODULE
    The Methods to the Madness
  • llseek(2)
  • read(2)
  • write(2)
  • ioctl(2)
  • open(2)
  • release(2)
  • ...

file struct

  • NOT the same as C library FILE pointer
    • It is its equivalent within the kernel
  • Represents an open file
  • Important fields
    • f_mode (opened for reading, writing etc (what you passed to open()))
    • f_pos (current location in file)
    • f_flags (flags you passed to open())
    • f_op (pointer to file operations the kernel will use with this file)
    • private_data (driver can use this to hold info it needs)

inode struct

  • Used by kernel to represent files
  • Two important fields
    • i_rdev: Contains device number
    • i_cdev: Contains pointer to char device

Live Coding

Stubs for driver functions

Memory usage

  • kmalloc (often devm_kmalloc)
    • Typically used in probe/init
  • kfree (only needed if you aren’t using devm)
    • Typically used in remove/exit
  • Kinda like malloc/free with extra steps
    • No glibc!
    • Need to tell the kernel memory zone
    • How long can you afford to wait?

Open and Release

  • Open
    • Initialize device if being used for the first time
    • Check for device specific errors
    • Update f_op
    • Set private data if needed
  • Release
    • Deallocate anything allocated in open
  • Kinda like kmalloc/kfree for the whole thing

Read and Write

  • How do we get access to memory in user space?
  • Read (write from kernel side)
    • copy_to_user
  • Write (read from kernel side)
    • copy_from _user
  • __user to mark a userspace ptr
    • Don’t just dereference!

Why not just dereference?

  • In process context
    • Oops + death on a page fault
  • Elsewhere, null ptr deref:
    = panic() (big death) (not from system call)
  • Unchecked _* versions of copy*_user

Live Coding

Make it do something! Echo user input

Scull: Simple Character Utility for Loading Local Localities

Linux Driver Development with Raspberry Pi - ch4

  • Chapter 4 has examples of complete char dev including miscellaneous character module
  • miscdevice
    • Simpler way to write char device driver
    • Used for sense-hat display
