Course Policies

Assignment Procedures:

Peer Review Procedure (only for coding assignments)

Late Work Policy:

Mentorship Graduation:

**Additional policies specific to LFX mentees:** * Removal from the course * In the case that a student fails to complete a task by a deadline with no prior notice, an instructor will reach out to you via email and/or direct message. If the student fails to respond to this message within seven (7) days of it’s receipt, the instructors reserve the right to remove the student from the program. * Attendance is not required (because of timezones) but students should watch the recorded videos of class sessions
**Additional policies specific to UMass Lowell students:** * Automatic Course Failure (Grade of F) * In the case that a student fails to complete a task by a deadline with no prior notice, an instructor will reach out to you via email and/or direct message. If the student fails to respond to this message within seven (7) days of it’s receipt, the instructors reserve the right to give the student a failing grade (F) for the course. * Attendance is... required. **UMass Lowell Grading Policy:** Student grades will be weighted according to the following scheme: | Category | Percentage | |--|--| | Assignments | 40% | | Presentation 1 | 25% | | Presentation 2 | 30% | | Participation | 5% | Students will be given a letter grade according to the following this scheme: |Letter grade|Percentage range| |--|--| |A |90 ~ 100| |A-| 85 ~ 89.99| |B+| 80 ~ 84.99| |B |75 ~ 79.99| |B-| 70 ~ 74.99| |C+| 65 ~ 69.99| |C |60 ~ 64.99| |C-| 55 ~ 59.99| |D+| 50 ~ 54.99| |D |40 ~ 49.99| |F |below 40| ######A (4.0), A- (3.7), B+ (3.3), B (3.0), B- (2.7), C+ (2.3), C (2.0), C- (1.7), D+ (1.3), D (1.0), F (0.0)